Real Food + Real Ingredients = Healthy Eating & Clean Living

We all want to live long, healthy, and productive lives. While there are some things out of our control, there’s so much that we can control with regard to our health and how we feel day-to-day.

Hummus plate ingredients
Hummus plate served!

Whole Foods and Clean Ingredients

A “real” diet of live foods, herbs, organic ingredients, grass fed meats, healthy fish, and farm fresh eggs is what your body was designed to consume. Obviously, there are exceptions. Some choose a vegan or vegetarian diet and lifestyle, while others have allergies and even religious beliefs that prevent certain foods in their diets.

Food is very personal, and a lot of emotion can be connected to it. Therefore, we embrace the idea that everyone is different with different food preferences. However, I️ think we all can agree that healthy eating and clean living is optimal for the body.

There are pesticides, herbicides, GMO, preservatives, and a slew of other really harmful things that toxify our foods. As a result, we try to minimize those things as much as possible. We’ll share tips on how you can, too.

Roasted lamb over greens with feta, onions, cucumbers, and olives. Drizzled with balsamic vinegar.
Chicken salad

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

Consuming whole, unprocessed, foods helps to restore our cells, boost our energy, minimize inflammation, and allow us to age more gracefully. In turn, we experience the benefits of aging, without all the aches and pains that we are told are a “normal” part of aging.

It gets better…when children and adults switch to cleaner eating, and become more health conscious, something miraculous happens! The body starts to heal itself!

So, by simply minimizing processed foods, cutting out artificial flavors and sweeteners, and all the fancy names that hide harmful ingredients, we can only experience positive outcomes. Almost always, health challenges significantly improve and often disappear. Additionally, behavioral issues are one of the first things to disappear in children. Skin ailments also drastically improve or clear up. Even sleep quality improves. That’s not an opinion, it’s all based on scientific evidence and research!

Beautiful chopped swiss chard

At Life in the Country USA, clean eating and living is a huge part of the lifestyle we want to share with you. We’ll share recipes that are loaded with flavor and benefits!

We LOVE to cook, and especially love cooking what we grow and raise.

If cooking whole foods appeals to you, check out our latest swiss chard post. Boy is that easy to grow!

More to come…

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