On the hunt for an easy almond milk recipe that actually tastes good? This is the one! I receive compliments on this easy almond milk recipe all the time. Actually, I️ make batches of this to share with others.

Almond milk isn’t just an alternative to dairy, it is a great source of magnesium. The benefits don’t stop there, it also contains antioxidants, vitamin E, calcium, and potassium.

Fresh almond milk
Iced almond milk latte

An added benefit is that almond milk does not contain the hormones that are found in dairy. Hormones are in all dairy – organic and conventional dairy – and that’s something that many people fail to realize.

A Few Simple Ingredients

  • Almonds
  • Water
  • Pitted Dates or a sweetener (optional)
Pitted Dates
Vanilla extract

A Few Simple Tools

Vitamixer with almond water mixture
  • Nut Bag or Ultra Fine Mesh Strainer (keep in mind mesh strainers make squeezing almond pulp difficult). I️ have used this Nut Bag successfully for countless batches of almond milk.
nut milk bag
  • Jar for Storing the Almond Milk
Homemade almond milk

Recipe & Directions

  • Combine 1 cup almonds with 3 cups water
  • Add 2 or 3 pitted dates (optional)
  • Soak 12 hours or overnight. Soaking longer makes the almonds softer.

After soaking, pour everything into a blender and blend until smooth.

I️ upgraded my Vitamixer to a professional Vitamixer when I️ started making my own almond milk. It has not disappointed. It pulverizes the almonds, leaving a smooth consistency.

Next, pour the blended mixture into a nut bag, or strainer with tight holes. Squeeze firmly to extract liquid that may remain in the pulp. Reserve almond pulp for recipes such as almond crackers, cookies, brownies, and muffins.

Then, when all liquid has been extracted, pour into a jar for storage.

As an optional flavor enhancer, add vanilla extract. For those who have a sensitivity to the alcohol content of traditional vanilla extract, Pure Madagascar Vanilla Flavoring in a glycerine base, offers an alternative with superb flavor.

If dates weren’t added as a sweetener, this is the time to add your preferred sweetener. Ideas for optional sweeteners are powdered Organic Stevia, Stevia Liquid, Truvia (the sweeter part of the stevia plant), honey pre-dissolved in a small amount of water, Organic Cane Sugar, or Raw Turbinado Sugar pre-dissolved in a small amount of warm water.

Finally, refrigerate and enjoy!


Almond milk is used as a great alternative to dairy. It can be used successfully most everywhere that dairy is used – smoothies, baking, frozen treats, etc. It’s also wonderful iced by itself. In our home, I use it daily for my iced coffee. When my daughter asks for chocolate milk, I make her a glass of chocolate almond milk and she loves it. Actually, it’s her favorite treat.

Glass of almond milk
Iced almond milk latte
Iced chocolate almond milk

Since almond milk pretty much offers similar properties to cow’s milk, it can be successfully steamed or boiled. Use it in your hot coffee, or steam it in place of cow’s milk for an almond milk latte. It’s that creamy!

For those with digestive issues, or skin sensitivities that are often aggravated by dairy, almond milk offers alternatives for beverages and recipes that would otherwise be avoided.

Shelf Life

Almond milk has a shelflife or 3-4 days before the flavor begins to change to bitter or rancid. For this reason, smaller batches may be preferable.

Since the shelf life isn’t extensive, I️ like to use my almond pulp in recipes within the first couple of days. Otherwise, I️ feed it to my chickens. They love it!

My Experience with Almond Milk & Migraines

I️ suffered from migraines for years…more like decades! I️ consider myself very health conscious. When selecting foods for myself and my family, I️ aim for grass-fed meats and organic products. I️ aim to minimize processed foods, dyes, and sugar. Annually, I️ have a garden where I️ grown the majority of my own produce. Additionally, I️ have chickens that are fed a GMO soy free feed. When away from home, I️ try to avoid eating out, but if I️ do, I️ try to avoid fast food restaurants and chains.

However, monthly menstrual migraines have persisted! I’ve tried acupunture with some success, and added supplements like magnesium to my daily regimine. As much as I️ love dark chocolate, I️ have avoided it because it seems to compound my migraines.

When 2 migraines, within 6 months, were so bad that they lasted several days and impacted my family when they were counting on me, I️ decided to research what the culprit might be and why my migraines were linked to my menstrual cycle.


Have you hard of prostaglandins? They are necessary compounds in the body that offer hormone effects. Read here where the Cleveland Clinic lists the necessary body functions that require prostaglandins. I can’t recall how my attention was drawn to prostaglandins, but when I discovered them, I️ started researching symptoms of an overproduction of prostaglandins and could my diet be related.

I️ found many articles like this one from Medical News Today entitled “Foods Like Meat, Sugar, and Coffee May Worsen Menstrual Cramps, Research Shows.” and Dr. Axe’s How to Control Prostaglandin Production. I️ decided to give up my daily organic iced latte, made with organic milk and organic coffee. In fact, I️ gave up all dairy, wheat, and sugar. What I️ experienced in the first month was convincing! That first month, my cycle that had always been around 26 days was 35 days! I️ also did not experience PMS, nor any migraines! So, the second month I️ gave myself persmission to have iced coffee but with an almond milk base. Personally, I️ didn’t like the consistence of store bought almond milk. It was watery, tasted artificial, and the ingredients revealed that most have natural flavors. That was my experience with coconut milk, too.

Homemade Almond Milk Enters the Scene

And that’s how I️ started making my own almond milk. Wow, there’s no comparison in flavor! Several months later, no menstrual migraines! Throughout my research, I’ve come to learn just how many hormones are in organic milk. For some reason, I️ just assumed there were less. If what I’ve been reading is true, organic and conventional milk both have the same level of hormones, it’s just that conventional milk has greater hormones when synthetic hormones are given to cows to increase milk production. Regardless, my health has improved drastically.

No Migraines + Feeling Good = One Happy Mama and Family

For that, I’m incredibly grateful.

Comment below on how your own homemade almond milk turned out!

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