Headed to the beach this summer, and you’d like to plan something engaging for the kids or yourself? If you’re like me, you walk along the beach, filling your pockets or buckets with shells, only to get home and do nothing with them. Here’s an idea…craft with beach shells!

During our recent beach vacation, crafting with beach shells kept us all off of devices. Like the puzzle that’s started at the beginning of the week’s vacation, a beach picture can be worked a little here and there throughout your stay.

Beach Shell Craft Supplies

I packed a tote that could house everything we needed for shell art. Additionally, I left room to bring back a few containers of shells.

  • Plastic Table Cloth
  • 8×10 Canvas Boards – I chose the boards because they don’t flex. Flexing could cause the shells to not adhere.
  • Paint – Paint for the canvas background.
  • Assortment of Brushes
  • Craft glue that allows the shells to adhere to the board. Tacky Glue is great for crafts like these.
  • Empty containers for shell sorting and storing leftover shells.
  • Cups for water while painting.
  • A roll of paper towels.
  • Scissors to cut something like sea grass.
  • Pliers
  • Freezer bags for collecting shells.
  • Collander or durable small holed fishing net for rinsing shells outside.
  • Spread shells out to dry. I like to use disposable baking pans, lined with paper towels.
  • A few trash bags, because you never know when you might need them.

Be Creative & Have Fun

  • Have fun with this!
  • Take a couple of walks on the beach and collect all sizes of sea shells.
  • Rinse shells and allow them to dry.
  • Arrange the shells in your favorite design and assess if you need more of a certain size or color.
  • Paint a canvas board with background colors and scenery. Allow time to dry.
  • Glue sections of your arranged shells on your canvas.
  • Allow glue time to dry.
  • Add any finishing paint touches.
  • Enjoy!

Beach Shell Craft Ideas

For this past beach trip, I wanted to remember all of my family together. Two of my children are in college, so life could look very different for our next beach trip. I hope not. However, I’m cherishing all of these moments with reminders of their preciousness.

My youngest daughter made this for her Grammy. We brought 3 dogs to the beach. Hers and ours. Grammy loves the kids’ art and proudly displays it at home. She loved it.

My oldest daughter decided she was interested in watercolors. I only got a glimpse of what she started. She brought it home to complete.

Have Fun…Leave a Legacy

Life is short. No day is promised. Cherish those in your life today. A craft with beach shells just might be the activity that promotes laughter, conversation, and memory making moments. Comment below and let me know how it was!

Make these awesome non-alcoholic mimosa cocktails as a part of the beach experience!